Bipasha poses strong threat to Aishwarya!


By now it must be known that Mani Ratnam’s flick, ‘Raavana’ had Bipasha Basu for doing the role of Mandodhari. For this role, bips had all her dress fittings, rehearsals and everything almost ready. But to everyone’s surprise, a source informs that the bombshell is nearly out of the movie now.

According to the official reason given, it was the length of Mandodhari’s character that was taking a lot space in the movie.
On the contrary, an insider claims that Bipasha was a threat to the other actresses like Aishwarya and Priya Mani in
the film.

Director Mani’s spokesperson has explained that the filmmaker will ensure that justice is done to Bipasha’s role.

In response, an upset Bipasha says,

“I am sad…but it’s better than having my role chopped or totally edited… when lot of effort had gone to work out the role for this guest character. “Can’t wait for the filmto release.

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