Many of us WWE fans know that these days WWE always has the people in theMain Event that either include John Cena,Randy Orton, Edge, Undertaker, etc., but WWE needs to realize that they need to start making new main event stars as soon as possible because the current main eventers are either close to retiring or getting older. As we just saw this past April, Undertaker ended the career of Shawn Michaels and WWE took a huge loss in their main event scene, but many of us WWE fans have noticed that other of our favorite superstars are close to hanging up their boots. The Undertaker has been battling injuries for the past few years and many of us fans wonder when The Deadman would finally retire. Triple H has also been battling injuries these past few weeks and hasn't been seen on TV in order to heal up, while Batista just finished up with the WWE.
WWE has main event stars that, even though they aren't as old as Undertaker and Triple H, seem to be close to hanging up their boot. Edge mentioned in a recent interview that he has only about 2 more years left in him. John Cena, the face of WWE, is just barely in his 30's, but has had major injuries that make us wonder how much can he can handle. Rey Mysterio has had major injuries and is wrestling with a injury at the moment. Randy Orton has an injury as well. The Big Show and Kane, though not injured, could be main event stars for a long time, but they are getting old and it isn't likely that they would still be in the WWE 5 years from now.
Doesn't WWE see that they need new main event stars as soon as possible?
At the moment there are stars like CM Punk, Jack Swagger, and Sheamus in the main event scene, but what else does WWE have to offer? There are people like Christian, John Morrison, MVP, and The Miz that could be main eventing, but WWE decided to keep them away from the main event scene. We all thought last year that John Morrison was going to finally start main eventing when he had great matches with Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho, but what happened? He was sent back with the mid carders and then put in a tag team with R-Truth. One person that WWE fans know can be a great main eventer is Christian. Christian can work, he has the mic skills, he as it all, but Vince McMahon aka Vince McMillions thinks that he isn't good enough, so Christian can have matches with main event stars, but can't be World Champ.
WWE has a lot of great talent that could add a new feel to the shows. The more WWE keeps the young talent away from the main event scenes, the more the fans, especially the new current PG fans, would get used to guys like John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, and Undertaker being a World Champ, but would not approve of new people being a World Champ. If John Cena was to lose the title to Wade Barrett, NXT winner, would the fans approve of it? No they would not, they would want Cena to be champ. When Jack Swagger won the World Championship in April I thought that WWE was finally listening to their fans and making new stars, but that didn't quite happen. Many fans thought that Swagger didn't deserve it and wanted someone else like Christian to be World Champ. Evan Bourne won a main event match last week, which was kind of a shocker since Bourne is usually jobbing almost every week on Raw. Evan Bourne, in my opinion, is a good wrestler, but there is something in him that is always going to make me think he is a jobber for life no matter what.
WWE has to realize that some of their main event stars are close to leaving or are getting injured a lot. If WWE was to lose all their current main event stars without making new ones, the end could be drawing near for Vince McMillions and his billion dollar corporation.
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