Apple on Monday released the final version of Safari 5, and with it a 30 percent performance improvement over the previous version, the Cupertino company claims. But raw performance is only part of the story – Safari 5 comes packed with features, including over a dozen HTML5 elements, such as embedded full-screen Web video, closed captions, Geolocation, and more.
"Safari continues to lead the pack in performance, innovation and standards support," said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Safari now runs on over 200 million devices worldwide and its open source WebKit engine runs on over 500 million devices."
Offering a sort of Ad-Block like experience, Apple’s latest browser also includes Safari Reader, which "removes annoying ads and other visual distractions from online articles." Just click the Reader icon in the Smart Address Field and the article will apper in a continuous, clutter-free view, Apple says.
See a full list of changes (and download information) here.
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