A photo was leaked (and quickly removed) on Samsung’s South African Twitter page of their upcoming Android-powered tablet, which is known as the Galaxy Tablet (shown above, with the Samsung Galaxy S). The design seems almost the same as the Samsung Galaxy S: it has same 3 keys at the bottom and the same front facing camera. According to the tweet, the tablet runs Android 2.1 and the same TouchWiz 3.0 as the Galaxy S. In a follow-up tweet, it was confirmed that the tablet has a 7″ Inch TFT Display, and a 3.5 mm headset jack on the top.
Judging by the picture above, the tablet will take a SIM card so it could possibly be able to make voice calls and with the front facing camera, even video calls.
The Korea Herald is reporting that Samsung will launch 3 tablets this year. The first will be a 7″ Inch model, followed by 8″ Inch model and 10″ Inch model later this year. It’s also rumored that Korean carrier SK Telecom will carry this device.
It’s also rumored that Samsung is making an iPod Touch competitor. For now, do you think this rumored-to-be-called sPad can give the iPad a run for its money?
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