Warner Bros. has expanded its DVD2Blu program, a service that offers customers the opportunity to send in a DVD copy of a movie and receive back from the studio a Blu-ray version.
Citing Blu-ray's success, Warner Bros. said consumers can now choose from 90 of the company's "most popular titles to upgrade." The available movies include several well-known titles like "The Aviator," "A Christmas Story," and "Get Smart."
Although I haven't tested it out, the process of using DVD2Blu seems painless. Customers can go to the site and select the movies they want to upgrade. From there, they need only to send the DVD version of the movie they currently own to the service. Within "four to five weeks," Warner Bros. ships the Blu-ray copy of the film back to the customer. Pricing for individual movies starts at $4.95 per movie--a relative bargain compared to buying the Blu-ray version in stores.
That said, it's worth noting that DVD2Blu is only available to U.S. customers, Also, customers are only allowed 25 film swaps per household.
But the biggest issue facing DVD2Blu right now is the small library of available movies. Considering how many films Warner Bros. has produced over the years, one would think that it could muster support for more than 91 films. Hopefully the company will be adding more as time goes on.
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