New HP monitors, a lot like the old ones

It's been some time since I've reviewed a new HP consumer monitor, but that may be about to change. On Wednesday, HP announced four new consumer monitors; the 2010i, 2210m, 2310, and 2710m. After the jump are specs and features for each monitor, direct from HP.
Last year I tested two of the new monitor's precursors--the 2009m and 2709m--and judging from the initial specs and productshots, these new models don't seem that different. I did notice HP lowered the 2010i's max luminance to 250 candelas per square meter (cd/m2, down from the the 2009m's 300 cd/m2. This may have something to do with the amount of backlight lamps in the 2010i, two, instead of the "usual" four. I can't confirm how many lamps were in the 2009m, though.
All the more reason to get a couple of these guys in and take them for a spin. Look for reviews in the coming weeks. Also, take those dynamic contrast ratios (DCR) with a tub of salt. All monitors should be available onHP's Web site by Thursday. I'll update this post with pricing on the 2710m then.

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