Sure, you're still on the hook for service, but at least the hardware won't cost you a dime.
Are you in the market for a new phone? From today through Sunday, Wirefly has a pretty sweet deal: Every BlackBerry on every carrier is free.
Do you want a Storm2 with Verizon? You got it. How about a Curve 8520 with AT&T or Sprint? No problem.
Wirefly stocks about 20 BlackBerry smartphone models from the four major carriers, so you should be able to get what you want from the carrier you want.
The deal is available on all new and upgrade-eligible accounts. Suffice it to say, any phone that you buy requires the usual two-year service contract. (And, please spare me the comments about how the "phone isn't really free." The phoneis free. The service is not.)
To sweeten the deal further, Wirefly is offering free shipping on the order and, on some models, giving you free activation. But wait, there's more. If you choose a BlackBerry from T-Mobile, you can trade in your old phone for a cash back bonus of at least $75. We're talking about an actual check in the mail, not just a credit to your account.
But wait, Wirefly isn't done yet. It is still hooked up with Bing Cashback, which means that if you start your purchase from Bing, you stand to "make" $50 on the deal.
Just head to Bing Cashback, sign into your account, then search for Wirefly. Click the "sponsored" link that appears at the top of the results page. Once you hit the Wirefly home page, click BlackBerry in the Shop By Brand section. Then just choose the model and carrier you want; the deals should be the same as if you'd used the main Wirefly link up top.
Speaking of that, I know that according to the promo page's countdown timer the deal expires today at midnight, but a Wirefly representative told me that the deal will certainly run through Sunday.
Not interested in a 'Berry? How about a Pre? Wirefly also has the AT&T Palm Pre Plus for free and it also has free shipping and activation. I still think the Palm Pre is one of the most underrated phones on the market today.
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