What we like about Nokia’s announcements is that every time they announce a product they also mention its estimated price. Well, almost every time. They didn’t say a word on Nokia X6 16GB’s pricing so we had to guess what it could be. Now the mystery is solved.
We spotted the recently announced Nokia X6 16GB at Nokia's online stores in the UK and in Germany. The phone is now available for preorder.
If you live in Germany, you can preorder you X6 16GB for 379 euro.
The guys in the UK are even luckier - they can get it for 299 pounds (that makes around 342 euro).
Nokia X6 16GB
Let's remind you what were the differences between the two X6 versions: while the Nokia X6 32GB comes with 32GB on-board memory, a subscription to the Nokia Comes With Music service and the fancy Nokia WH-500 headphones, the X6 16GB packs only 16GB of flash memory (there is still no memory card slot aboard) and comes with the cheaper WH-701 earphones and without the all-you-can-eat music service.
We expected the trimmed down version to cost a 100 euro less than the original Nokia X6. To our surprise the price difference turned out 200 euro. However, it is still unknown when exactly you will get this baby.
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